Download Idaho Non-Disclosure Agreement Template [PDF]

Safeguard your confidential business information using our customizable and professionally designed Idaho non-disclosure agreement template.

Customized for IdahoThis document may be legally binding in Idaho according to your state specific regulations.
  • Used 890 times
  • Last reviewed on April 27th
Download Idaho Non-Disclosure Agreement Template [PDF]

The Idaho non-disclosure agreement (NDA), or confidential disclosure agreement, is a legal document that defines the confidential information of the parties signing the document and establishes an obligation for the parties not to share this information with third parties.

What is a Trade Secret in Idaho?

A trade secret in Idaho is any confidential business information, such as process, design, formula, or method, that can be considered a competitive advantage of that business and, for that reason, needs to remain secret. 

Types of Non-Disclosure Agreements

The two main types of non-disclosure agreement forms are unilateral and mutual NDAs. This differentiation is made based on which of the parties signing the NDA takes on the obligation of keeping the exchanged information confidential.

The unilateral NDA creates such an obligation only for one party, while the mutual NDA creates such an obligation for all the parties that signed the document.

Legal Requirements for Idaho Non-Disclosure Agreement

Here, you can see the state requirements for the non-disclosure agreement template in Idaho:

Mandatory Requirements for NDA in Idaho

  • Statutes: § 48-801 to 48-807

  • Definitions: § 48-801

  • Statute of Limitations: An action for misappropriation must be brought within three years after the misappropriation is discovered. (§ 48-805)

What Can Non-Disclosure Agreement Be Used For in Idaho?

The non-disclosure agreement can be used in different situations based on various factors, such as the level of confidentiality and type of information the parties want to protect, the type of entities they are exchanging the information with, and more. 

Therefore, below you can find the most common situations where the NDA can be used:

NDA Uses and Scopes in Idaho

  • Protection of business information: Mostly used during business negotiations where the party signing the NDA has access to the confidential information of the party issuing it.

  • Protection of intellectual property: Used by parties that want to protect their inventions, software, creative work, or other kinds of intellectual property if they are not protected by intellectual property laws.

  • Protection of information accessed by the employees: The employers use it to protect the sensitive information their employees can have access to during their employment. The employee usually signs it along with their employment agreement.

  • Protection of information during the merger and acquisition: Used for protecting the sensitive and confidential information of the business entities participating in the merger and acquisition process.

Idaho Non-Disclosure Agreement FAQ

  • Yes, the NDA is a legally binding document in Idaho. However, for the document to be fully binding for all of the parties, each one of them must have the legal capacity to sign it.

  • No, the NDA doesn’t need to be signed in front of witnesses to be valid. However, if the parties want to additionally authenticate the document, they can include the witness's signatures.

  • You can always decline an NDA in Idaho. However, before doing so, you should consider all the consequences this might have in terms of your relationship with the party issuing the NDA.

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