Download Kansas Bill of Sale Templates [PDF]

A bill of sale in Kansas is a document used to transfer ownership of personal property. Ensure a smooth transaction with our template!

Customized for KansasThis document may be legally binding in Kansas according to your state specific regulations.
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  • Last reviewed on April 27th
Download Kansas Bill of Sale Templates [PDF]
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In the state of Kansas, a "bill of sale" is a legally binding document that serves as proof of the sale of various goods, most commonly motor vehicles, boats, or firearms. It proves that ownership of the goods has been transferred from the seller to the buyer.

Even when a bill of sale is not required for a specific item, it is recommended to have one and to include the details of the transaction, such as the price, the description of the goods, and the sale date.

With a bill of sale, you have a written record of your transactions and prevent future disputes over the terms of the sale.

Kansas Bill of Sale Parties

The bill of sale's parties are those involved in the transaction, mainly the seller and buyer. Their information is generally included in the document, such as names, addresses, and contact information. 


A seller is a person who transfers ownership of specific goods in exchange for payment. There can be more than one seller, and they can be a private individual or a professional dealer.


A buyer is a person who makes a payment in exchange for a specific good.

Buyer and Seller Disclosure

In the disclosure section, the parties receive accurate and complete information on the sold products, which can help avoid any misunderstandings or problems later on.

When selling a car, the seller is required to reveal the number of miles traveled by the vehicle, also known as "odometer disclosure."

The bill of sale should include the term "as-is" if buyers agree to purchase goods in their existing state with no assurance of their quality.

This way, buyers accept all of the risks associated with the purchased goods, except those that are hidden or lied about, and the seller is released from liability if any problems arise with the sold goods.

Kansas Bill of Sale Description of Goods

Goods transferred from one party's possession to another should be identified with a detailed description, which is important to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of what is being transferred.

Further, sellers should disclose whether or not the items come with any defects or flaws.

Detailed information about the item in terms of its description and condition, along with the "as-is" clause, protects the parties in the event of any future complaints about the sold goods. 

Kansas Bill of Sale Purchase Price

Here are the three most common payment methods for purchasing items:

#1. Payment

This method refers to the transfer of money from one party to another in exchange for goods. Payments can be made in various ways, including with cash, a check, a credit card, or digital payment methods such as PayPal or Venmo.

#2. Trade

When two goods are exchanged for one another, this is called a "trade." Make sure to include the value of both goods on your bill of sale. 

If the goods are not of equal value, one party may pay the other party an additional amount equal to the value of the exchanged goods.

#3. Gift

One person can transfer goods to another without in the form of a gift receiving any compensation in return. However, it is more often the case that the items are sold at prices below their value, which can also be considered a gift.

Kansas Bill of Sale for Motor Vehicles (Cars) Requirements

In Kansas, the bill of sale is the legal basis for the transfer of ownership only for cars older than 35 years (antique vehicles). In all other cases, the ownership of the car is transferred through the car title.

However, in most cases, parties will create a bill of sale with the following information:

Mandatory Information

  • Names and addresses of the buyer and seller

  • Made, model, and production year of the motor vehicle

  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)

  • Purchase price

  • Odometer reading

  • The signatures of the seller and buyer

Additionally, the Kansas Department of Revenue provides all the information for motor vehicle registration in the state.

Out-of-State Vehicles

If you have purchased a motor vehicle outside of Kansas, you don’t need a bill of sale to register the vehicle.

Abandoned or Junk Vehicles

A bill of sale is not required in Kansas for the sale of an abandoned car. To register such a vehicle, it must first pass an inspection by the Kansas Highway Patrol, after which a registration decision will be made.

However, the seller and the buyer can create a bill of sale as proof of the transaction. 

Vehicles Sold by Dealers

A bill of sale is required for vehicles purchased from a dealer.

Vehicles Sold by Private Parties

If the private parties are transferring ownership of the vehicle, they will need a bill of sale for registration and to protect their rights and interests.

Kansas Bill of Sale for Boats (Vessel) Requirements

All motorized vessels, as well as those with sails, are subject to mandatory registration in Alabama. Therefore, a bill of sale is required to transfer ownership and register a vessel.

Your vessel bill of sale should include the following:

Mandatory Information

  • The names of the buyer and seller

  • The vessel’s make, model, length, and year of production

  • Hull identification number (HIN)

  • Date of sale

  • Purchase price

  • Signatures of the seller and the buyer

Kansas Bill of Sale for Firearms Requirements

For the purchase of firearms, it is essential to create a bill of sale as proof of transactions between the seller and the buyer. It provides information about the model, make, caliber, and serial number of the weapon. 

In the end, both the buyer and the seller must sign the bill of sale.

Kansas Bill of Sale for Horses Requirements

A bill of sale is necessary as proof of the transfer of ownership of the horse from the seller to the buyer.

Therefore, the bill of sale for a horse should include the following:

Mandatory Information

  • Names and addresses of the buyer and seller

  • Name, breed, and gender of the horse

  • Health details of the horse

  • Purchase price

  • Signatures of the parties

Kansas Bill of Sale for Trailers (RVs) Requirements

The trailers in Kansas must be registered and titled. Therefore, it is essential to create a bill of sale and include the following information:

Mandatory Information

  • Name and address of the parties

  • Make, model, year, and length of the trailer

  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)

  • Odometer disclosure

  • Description of any additional equipment

  • Purchase price

  • Buyer's and seller's signatures

It is important to note that a bill of sale can be used to transfer ownership of a trailer with a working weight under 2,000 lbs. 

Kansas Bill of Sale Other Requirements

The Kansas DMV requires that the bill of sale and other documentation required for the change of ownership and title be written in English. It is important to follow this rule because otherwise, there is a risk of unsuccessful registration and transfer of ownership.

As we have seen, the bill of sale can have multiple purposes, so the parties must keep one copy as well as a copy for the registration procedure at the DMV.

Note that after purchasing the vehicle, the buyer has 60 days to file a title change application with the Kansas Department of Revenue.

Kansas Bill of Sale Taxes

The purchase of any vehicle in Kansas is subject to state sales tax, which varies from county to county and ranges from 7.3% to 8.75%

Sales tax is paid on the gross income that the trader receives from the sale of a motor vehicle. This rule applies when a dealer sells the vehicle as part of their business.

On the other hand, some counties calculate and charge the tax for the first purchase of a new or used vehicle, whether purchased from a private person or out of state.

  • Yes, a handwritten bill of sale will have the same legal effect as a typed one. Importantly, the handwritten bill of sale must contain all pertinent information to fulfill the parties' interests.

  • Both the buyer and the seller must sign the bill of sale for it to be valid. Although it is not mandatory, the parties have the option to notarize the bill of sale, which solidifies their rights.

  • You can find all types of bills of sale based on the subject of the transaction on our website. Simply download it and fill it out as described in the text.

  • A bill of sale is a legal document that protects both the buyer's and the seller's interests. 

    The seller's liability is restricted to what is specified in the bill of sale, and the seller cannot be held liable for anything beyond that. On the other side, the buyer has evidence that the transaction has been completed.

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